Storage providers

Cloudflare R2


Create a bucket

Go to the R2 service (in the navigation bar on the left) and create a new bucket by clicking on the blue button on the right. Create a new bucket Give your bucket a unique name, optinoally select a region, leave the storage class to the default, and create the bucket. Set up the new bucket

Generate credentials

Back in the R2 page, on the right-hand side, click on the "Manage R2 API tokens" link, then click on the button to create a new token. Manage API tokens Give your new token a unique name and the desired policy ("Object Read & Write" or "Object Read only" are sufficient for Sihl AI - you might want to use the "admin" permissions for other purposes).
For security reasons, we recommend applying each token to a single bucket. Create token Once created, you will be shown the access key ("Access key ID") and secret key ("Secret Access Key") , as well as the and endpoint URL.
Write these keys down somewhere (or even better, save them in a password manager) - as the warning says, the secret key will never be shown again once you leave this page! Credentials

Upload data

Back in the "R2" service, in your bucket's page, you can drag-and-drop your data directly from the browser into the bucket (or click the "upload" button).
Attempting to upload too many files this way can freeze or crash your browser. To avoid that, consider using one of the other methods described in the dataset section. To upload (and delete) bucket objects using these, you'll need write permissions.